As women, we have so many responsibilities to tend to at any given time. Keeping up with home, ministry, and everything in between can feel like an impossible feat. 

How do you keep showing up when you feel like you’re running on empty? 

Right at the end of our strength is God’s grace. When you depend on Him to carry you through all of the seasons of your life, you will be able to fully show up for your life. 

In this episode, I had the pleasure of catching up with my dear friend Jackie Hill Perry. Her new devotional, Upon Waking, encourages us to cultivate a discipline of starting the day with God before we become distracted with life.

I am often in awe of how effortlessly Jackie shares her life with us. As a mother of four little ones, Jackie is all too familiar with the challenge of making time for God when the days feel short. Learning how to abide in the Lord has allowed her to show up for her home in the same way that she shows up in ministry.

My convo with Jackie was so rich. You really need to hear the whole thing! That said, here are some nuggets I want to make sure you get – a few principles for keeping God at the center of your life:

Give God your first fruits – What would it look like for you to give God the first moments of your day? It doesn’t have to be an elaborate morning routine. Sing a worship song with your children while you make breakfast. Read a page from a devotional like Jackie’s before your feet hit the floor. Simply ask God to meet you right where you are. His grace is sufficient. Invite Him in and watch the atmosphere of your home begin to shift to one of gratitude and expectancy.

Consider your commitments – You may be pulled in several directions in this season of your life. Revisit all of the tasks you’ve recently said yes to. Of course, there are things that you have to do, but for everything you say yes to, you are saying no to something else. Maybe it’s possible to let go of something on your list that will give you back time. Make time for your priorities first so that you can have enough energy left to pour into your family.

Surrender your self-sufficiency – Fear can cause you to think you have to make things happen in your own strength. FOMO is real, but it doesn’t have to win. Make a list of all of the moments where God has taken care of you and your loved ones. If He carried you through back then, certainly He can carry you through now. Keep your heart fixed on scriptures that speak to how God can and will take care of you.

As you develop the discipline of praying and studying Scripture, remember to let God into the matters of your heart. Cast your cares on Him and move through your day knowing that you’re covered.

Depend on God to see you in the current season of your life. And remember that He is willing to meet with you from the moment you wake until the moment you lay your head on your pillow at the end of the day. 

If you’ve been running on empty for far too long, it’s time to let Him replenish your soul.

Highlights from Today’s Episode

  • Give God your first fruits
  • Consider your commitments
  • Surrender your self-sufficiency

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Let’s Talk!

  1. In what ways can you start your day with God?
  2. What commitments can you let go of in order to focus on your priorities?
  3. How can you depend on God in this season of your life?

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