Is there a business dream you want to bring to life but can’t figure out where to start? Have you taken the steps to start a business only to become discouraged along the way?

I know that pursuing a side hustle or a full-fledged business can feel daunting, to say the least. When money gets funny and support is hard to find, the temptation to quit on your dreams becomes all too real. 

But I can’t let you give up on yourself. Not when I’ve seen women like Lavida Samuel attain success and defy the odds. Lavida is the founder and owner of Elle Vie Body Products. I fell in love with her body butter after a friend gave it to me as a gift. As fate would have it, I ran into her one day in the Joanna Gaines section of a Target (because who doesn’t love Target), and the rest is history.

Lavida joined me for the latest episode of The Sister Circle Podcast to chat about all things business. Three concepts stood out to me that I know will help you achieve success in your business.

Learn as you grow in business – You’ll probably have more questions than answers when you’re just starting out in business. But know that you have resources at your fingertips. Thanks to Google and YouTube University, you can find a solution to just about any business obstacle online. But there will still be things you have to learn firsthand as your business develops. If you’re like Lavida, you can take the initiative of signing up for a class on photography or finances at a local community college. If you need additional help, try going through your Rolodex of family and friends. Do you know someone who can help with setting up your social media platforms or creating a logo? Reach out and see if there’s something you can help them with as well.

Trust in your process – One thing’s for certain: comparison is easy to come by. But know that there is room for your business, even if it seems that the marketplace is oversaturated. The world needs what you have to offer. Try to avoid measuring your success by someone who’s been in business longer than you. We all have to start somewhere, and one day, you will be able to look back and recognize the growth of not only your business but your growth as a business owner. If it feels like your dream is being denied, take some time to assess the facts. Sometimes, we overlook all that is going well because we aren’t where we thought we would be. But timing is everything. Keep taking small steps toward your business goals, and know that your time is coming.

Check-in with yourself – As you build your business, there will be times when you need to check in with yourself. Entrepreneurship is 24/7, sometimes 24/8. Managing yourself and your team, if you have one, can weigh on you if you’re not careful. It’s essential that you chart out time to plan for what’s next and just to be still. After working for myself all this time, I still have to remember to make time to get away and process my thoughts. I’ve learned to take a break from the busyness of business and get clear on how I feel about it all. When I need to get focused work done, I remember what I learned from one of my favorite resources, Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport. Before you pour into your business, step back and pour into yourself. You’ll be a more efficient and level-headed business owner when you do.

If the road to success seems bumpy, that’s okay. You’ll learn as you go. As long as you’re taking steps forward, you’re learning, even if you stumble a bit. Take advantage of the resources in front of you and move the needle forward each day. Surround yourself with people who will encourage you on the good and bad days. And one day, you’ll be able to share the knowledge and wisdom you’ve acquired in business with someone else.

So, are you ready to go after that business dream in your heart? You have everything you need. Just start right where you are.

Highlights from Today’s Episode

  • Learning as you grow in business.
  • Trusting in your process.
  • Checking in with yourself.

Related Resources

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Other Stuff to Check Out

Let’s Talk!

  1. Is there a business idea that you feel led to pursue?
  2. What practical steps can you take to start or level up your business? (i.e. write out a business plan, set up a website, etc.)
  3. Are you doubtful about the stability and success of your business? If so, how can you begin to trust God with your business fears?

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