When was the last time you went on a date with your spouse? Depending on what’s going on in your life, it might be difficult for you to prioritize time with your significant other or even a friend. However, consistently connecting with those who matter most is key to living life well.

This is something I’ve found to be true in my own marriage. After 23 years, my husband and I have found that keeping our relationship fresh takes a certain level of intentionality. We tend to lean on the introverted side, the mister more so than I, and that causes us to keep date nights simple. There’s nothing wrong with that, but dinner and a movie can get boring if we don’t spice things up every now and then. 

Over time, the newness of relationships can wear off, causing us to become complacent. In order to keep things exciting, we have to invite a little fun into the mix.

Here are some ways I’m intentional about enjoying life with my husband and close friends.

Spend date nights in – If you can’t venture out or money is a little tight, why not bring date night to you? You can order dinner from your favorite restaurant or prepare a new recipe together. Cap off the night by watching a fun show or movie from the comfort of your home. Don’t underestimate the good times that can come from hosting a couples game night or potluck. If you’re in the season of raising small children, move up bedtime, tuck them in tight, and spend some time with your boo. If it’s just you and the kids, make memories with them too. Pop some popcorn and cuddle up close. However you choose to spend the night, just find ways to make it special.

Find creative ways to have fun – If you decide to take date night outside of the house, find creative ways to make it happen. Staycations are smart, budget-friendly opportunities to explore your city as a tourist. Search online to find out what’s happening in your city. Most places have limited-time offerings like concerts, festivals, and plays to check out. I also suggest considering credit card points to save money when booking hotels or traveling. Speaking of traveling, opting for a road trip instead of a flight is another way to save money. If you’re like me and my husband, you have better conversations in the car anyway. Think outside of the box when it comes to spending time with your loved ones. Sometimes, the fun comes from simply trying something new.

Make it an experience to remember – When planning date nights or traveling with your significant other, think about the experiences that make you the happiest. Do you enjoy going to a concert to experience live music? Work that into your weekend staycation. Do you love walking through the sand on a beach and feeling the warmth of the sun hit your skin? Plan a trip close to the water. Would you prefer to go skiing with a clear view of the mountains? Look up the closest ski resort near you.

One of my favorite tips is to explore travel deals offered through Sam’s Club or Costco. I’d also recommend tapping into resources like TripAdvisor to plan out your trip. Remember to leave room in your itinerary to explore your destination. You’d be surprised how much fun you can have in the most unexpected places.

I know that life can become mundane and, in some seasons, overwhelming and exhausting. But don’t take for granted the gift of relationships in your life. Take a moment to let go of your cares and concerns and live in the moment with the people you love.

As Scripture reminds us, “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.” (Matthew 6:34)

Be intentional about being truly present with your loved ones. Schedule a date night with your spouse or a friend and create memories that will last a lifetime.


Highlights from Today’s Episode

  • Spending date nights in
  • Finding creative ways to have fun
  • Making experiences memorable

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Let’s Talk!

  1. Who do you need to spend more intentional time with?
  2. In what ways can you spice up the fun moments in your life?
  3. What experiences bring out the most joy in you?


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